Saturday, December 10, 2011

Five Days and Saturday too


          Today it' 22 BELOW zero, and that's before wind chill gets factored in.  Today, 300' of water hose was dragged into the house and got a hot shower before I did.


          New routine and thank goodness, it worked.  Got to use a little of my firefighting hose skills to disconnect and drain the water hoses.  Who knew I'd use those skills to water the animals?


          Finally had the courage to see what damage is done to the guest trailer.  Shoulda found courage sooner.  Bad news......even with the water running.....EVERYTHING is frozen.  Frozen waterfalls from faucets, toilets filled, to the top of the bowl, with I need the courage to deal with it.  Jay?
Visions of little elves on ice skates doing triple toe loops toilet top side is funny but not useful.


          The wow factor!  A heard of least 100.  Joan and I watched for twenty minutes as they went north to south on the neighbors property and then crossed our property to the south and went towards the Valle Vidal east of us.  INCREDIBLE.  The lead stags were tremendous and in charge of the herd.  Made watering everyone this morning joyful.


          A brand new day.  While driving the boys to the bustop we got to experience one of my favorite sights of winter. It usually happens a day or two after big snow or freezesEVERY tree is competely covered in a cross between frost and ice.  When the sun rises above the Sangre de Christos the trees light up like they are laden with diamonds and shimmy for us like Mother Nature's prom dress.  Somethings never fail to impress me.


          I know it says five days but when I woke up this morning I got to see what looks like a partial lunar eclipse.  It could have been a full ecliplse but the moon dropped into thick fog before setting.  Crazy beautiful.  Everyone should get up at 4am.  Ya never know what you're gonna miss.


jes said...

Nice! Hoar frost is a beautiful sight and ... all those elk, lucky! We saw the lunar eclipse this morning but we only saw the disappearance not the return - lovely though. Thanks for sharing your noticing and sorry about the hoses!

Anna said...

thanks so much for reading and giving me the right word for my delight. Hoar Frost, I didn't know.

kyoto tig said...

hoar frost! i learned a new word!

i bet it was absolutely gorgeous, and the elk as well! seems like you had yourself quite the week.

i tried calling a couple of times but my timing is just awful.