Wednesday, October 19, 2011


     We have two new pigs!  Big Daddy hasn't gotten to mingle with the ladies yet.  There is still much animosity through the fence!  The goats must have sensed the upcoming additions because they escaped their pen and joined in the fun.  I cannot decide on names for the new girlpig friends.  One is red and feisty, and I am thinking Fuego for her (fire in Spanish) and Ophelia for the chubby blonde one.  She makes me laugh sitting on her bottom like a dog does.  She also has fat cheeks, making her adorable.

     On another note!  We have a new tractor operator

He's fabulous and careful and hauled dirt for us all day to help get ready for the new pigs.  He is growing so fast!  I can wear his tennis shoes, he's using deoderant, fighting acne, his voice is changing and he eats more than any 8 people I know.                                                                               

1 comment:

kyoto tig said...


i can't believe how fast he's grown up!