Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Egg Bandit or Crafty Chicken?


 So, for a more than a couple of weeks we have been very short of eggs.....  The chickens get to run loose during the day and are pretty reliable about where they lay their eggs.  Every now and then they like to choose a new spot.  It is usually easy to find-usually.  Poor Duke, our black lab, came out of the barn one morning while we were watching and had the unfortunate look of guilt while slinking towards us.  All at once banished from being in the barn and reprimanded  for eating our cherished fresh eggs Duke stayed a safe distance from trouble.  We, of course, thought the problem was over, it wasn't.....  The eggs were still m.i.a. 

    The mystery far from over we began cleaning out the barn for winter and guess what?  Eggs, many, many eggs.  Under the stancion, piled high on a nest of grass hay borrowed from Bob and Harry, the steers.  Duke redeemed!  He got some bones, some extra lovin', and an invitation to the barn.  He accepted it all, no questions.  Don't ya just love dogs... and eggs.

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