Monday, December 19, 2011

More morning.....

Typical Sunrise Magic
     I've got coffee in my favorite coffee cup and I am surounded by my three beasts.  We are ALL on the couch.  Hunters are outside in the dark trying to locate the elk herd/s before dawn.  Between the hunters and the really large coyote pack (15 coyotes) we saw yesterday my dogs are not allowed out until daybreak!  Gonna get the kiddo up and start him up for school.  We have a costume to make for Halloween.  He's going to be #3 from his favorite movie "9" (Tim Burton).  All I need is 2 or 3 burlap bags and a few hours with Dylan and some paint.  I suspect this may be his last costume for Halloween as a kid looking for candy.  He's growing up so fast.  Time to wake the sleepy head.  Have a wonderful fall day!                                      

     Morning again........
     The pigs are fed and happy.  The dogs are almost behaving.  Dylanator is on his way to school with Liam.  He informed me yesterday when asked about Halloween he is uninterested in the whole costume, trick or treating thing.  He does want to watch Tremors 4! and eat candy.  I can live with this. Tremors 4 may be difficult without cocktails for me......we'll see.  Jay is off for the next three days and the weather is turning cold and snowy today!  I am looking forward to baking some bread, some pastry crust and Joan and I may make soap for the first time.  We are getting more adventurous in making our own everything!  We made a great batch of homemade ketchup. Dylan loves it and as it's one of his 4 food groups we are thrilled.  Today is a day for tending to the fireplace, the old man and the pantry.  Off I go......

     Morning again.....
     Is it really Thanksgiving already?  Today we cook and gather with family and friends.  The weather is bitter and worthy of respect.  Looking forward to being and cooking with Jay - we BOTH have the holiday off.  Since we moved to Northern New Mexico we have been in the "tourist biz" and that means you work the holidays.  It's another special day.

     Morning again.......
     Time has passed and it is now almost Christmas.  The tree is up and the Santa collection displayed.  We've got a beautiful blend of Christmas ornaments from so many family members.  It may seem garish to some but I like to put it all out there.  For me the best part is the lights.  My favorite time is in the early morning turning them on first thing and enjoying my coffee in the glow of thoughts of Christmases past.