Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Relentless Recruiter

And there I was, ringing up the pizza and making change when she came into my life.  The Relentless Recruiter.  I never saw it coming.  The questions were unassuming at first..."Do you volunteer?"...."Where exactly do you live?"....."Have you ever thought about volunteering for the fire department?"......"Did you know it's not all about running into burning buildings?"....."How many bales did you load today?"  and then she found the one question, and the one statement and she had me........the proverbial hook in the mouth and reeling me in, oh yeah, she was smiling.

She asked me if I was interested in EMS, and did I know she could get me trained for FREE!  I have been with Latir Volunteer Fire Department for 4 years now!.

I am claustrophobic, hate heat, have been avoiding UNIFORMS all my life, and my mechanical abilities are few.  I have been a bartender most of my life, not a healthy, run into burning buildings kinda gal, more of a "if I can't fix ya in 15 minutes with a cocktail and a joke then I am not doin' my job" kinda gal. 

I have also spent my life in pretty comfortable situations, almost always in a position to help someone out.  Because of this I have not spent much time challenging myself.  The fire department has changed all that.  One of my favorite quotes I use with the kiddos I teach to ski is "You must do something everyday that scares you", Eleanor Roosevelt.  Back at me. 

When I donn my gear and begin a training I am the one who needs guidance, help and learnin'.  What possessed me? I often wonder, to get soooooo far away from my comfort zone, and then to think I will "help others" or better yet "do no more harm"! HA! So determined, am I, to go on air and into the burning building.  I will keep trying but as of yet it takes me and TWO safety officers just to make it through a controlled burning building during an "exercise" for gosh sakes.  This is helpful?  To whom?

to be continued....

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